
  • The Role Of Nitrogen In Amino Acids

    The Role Of Nitrogen In Amino Acids

    Nitrogen in amino acids plays an important role in agriculture because nitrogen is one of the main nutrients required for plant growth. The role of nitrogen in amino acids is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Plant nutrition: Ni...
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  • How To Apply Amino Acids To Plants

    How To Apply Amino Acids To Plants

    Applying Amino Acids to plants can be accomplished in a variety of ways: Foliar spraying: Spray the amino acid solution on the plant leaves and absorb it through the stomata of the leaves to promote the growth and development of the plan...
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  • Amino Acid: Principles Of Action In Drought Resistance

    Amino Acid: Principles Of Action In Drought Resistance

    The role of Amino Acid in drought resistance mainly includes the following aspects: Maintain cell osmotic pressure balance: Amino Acid can form osmotic substances inside plant cells to help maintain the osmotic pressure balance inside an...
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  • Amino Acid: Specific Effects On Soil Microorganisms

    Amino Acid: Specific Effects On Soil Microorganisms

    Amino Acid have many specific effects on soil microorganisms, mainly including the following points: Promote the growth and reproduction of soil microorganisms: Amino Acid can serve as carbon and nitrogen sources for soil microorganisms,...
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  • Which Crops Can Amino Acid Be Used For?

    Which Crops Can Amino Acid Be Used For?

    Amino Acid can be used in a variety of crops and have a variety of effects on these crops, as follows: Vegetable crops: Amino Acid can promote the growth and development of vegetables, increase yield and quality, enhance stress resistanc...
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  • The Application Of Amino Acids In Agriculture

    The Application Of Amino Acids In Agriculture

    Amino acids have a variety of applications in agriculture, including: Nutritional supplement: Amino acids can serve as nutrients for plants, provide nitrogen sources and energy needed for plant growth, and promote plant growth and develo...
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  • The Mechanism of Potassium Humate Improving Soil

    The Mechanism of Potassium Humate Improving Soil

    Potassium humate, can improve soil through a variety of mechanisms: Promote soil microbial activity: Potassium humate can provide carbon source and energy for soil microorganisms and promote the reproduction and activity of soil microorg...
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  • The Effect Of Potassium Humate

    The Effect Of Potassium Humate

    Humic acid: Humic acid is an organic substance that can improve soil structure, increase soil fertility and its ability to retain water and fertilizer. It can promote the activity of soil microorganisms, benefit the biological activity o...
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  • The Applications Of Potassium Humate In Soil Remediation

    The Applications Of Potassium Humate In Soil Remediation

    Potassium humate is essential for soil remediation as it enhances soil structure, fertilizer utilization, crop growth and stress resistance.  Its specific applications in soil remediation include: Potassium humate improves soil structur...
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  • Potassium Humate: Bringing New Vitality to Agricultural Production

    Potassium Humate: Bringing New Vitality to Agricultural Production

    With the continuous advancement of agricultural production technology, more and more new biochemical products are used in agricultural production. Among them, potassium humate, as a natural organic substance, has gradually attracted atte...
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  • The Agricultural Applications of Plant-Derived Bio Fulvic Acid

    The Agricultural Applications of Plant-Derived Bio Fulvic Acid

    The agricultural applications of plant-derived bio fulvic acid include soil improvement, plant growth promotion, organic fertilizer additives and crop protection. Plant-derived biofulvic acid is an organic acid ...
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  • BioFulvic Acid: Promoting Sustainable development of Agriculture

    BioFulvic Acid: Promoting Sustainable development of Agriculture

    In recent years, Biofulvic acid, as an environmentally friendly biodegradable material, has gradually shown great potential in the agricultural field. It is reported that Biofulvic acid can be used as a high-quality soil conditioner, pro...
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