What Nutrients Are In BioFulvic Acid?

Biofulvic acid contains a variety of nutrients and beneficial compounds that promote plant growth and soil health. Here are some key ingredients commonly found in Biofulvic acid:

1. Micronutrients:

Zinc: Important for enzyme function and protein synthesis.

Iron: Essential for chlorophyll production and photosynthesis.

Copper: Plays a role in photosynthesis and respiration.

Manganese: Involved in enzyme activation and photosynthesis.

Boron: Important for cell wall formation and reproductive growth.


2. Macronutrients:

Biofulvic acid can increase the availability of these nutrients in the soil.

3. Organic Compounds:

Biofulvic acid contains a variety of organic acids and compounds that can improve the solubility and absorption of nutrients.

4. Humus:

As part of the humus family, Biofulvic acid helps increase the overall organic matter content in the soil, which is essential for soil fertility.

In conclusion:

Biofulvic acid is rich in micronutrients and organic compounds that improve nutrient utilization and support plant growth, making it a valuable addition to soil and plant care practices.


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Post time: Oct-16-2024