What is the Effect of Fish Amino Acid on Soil?(二)

Fish Amino Acid fertilizer has a multitude of beneficial effects on soil health, including improved structure, increased microbial activity, enhanced nutrient availability, and greater fertility. 


4. Enhances Soil Fertility

Organic Matter: The addition of FAA increases the organic matter content of the soil, which improves its fertility and ability to retain nutrients.

Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC): Higher organic matter content can improve the soil’s cation exchange capacity, allowing it to hold onto essential nutrients and make them available to plants.

5. Promotes Sustainable Agriculture

Reduced Chemical Use: By providing a natural source of nutrients, FAA can reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers, which can have harmful environmental effects.

Sustainability: Utilizing fish waste to produce FAA helps reduce waste and promotes sustainable agricultural practices.

6. Balances Soil pH

Buffering Capacity: The organic acids in FAA can help buffer soil pH, making it more stable and suitable for a wide range of plants.


These benefits make FAA an excellent choice for sustainable and organic farming practices, contributing to healthier plants and more productive soils.

Post time: Sep-20-2024