What Are The Symptoms Of Zinc Deficiency In Plants?

Zinc deficiency in plants can cause several different symptoms, which may vary depending on the plant species. Here are some common signs to look for:

Symptoms of zinc deficiency:


Yellowing of young leaves, especially between the veins, is a common symptom. This happens because zinc is essential for the production of chlorophyll. 

Growth retardation:

-Plants may exhibit reduced growth and overall vigor, resulting in smaller plants and reduced yields.

1D0C5A22F982F097E967283C4E04F812 Amino Acid Chelate Zinc Fertilizer (AminoZn)

Total Amino Acid Contenr: 25%-30%

Nitrogen: 10%

Micro elements chelation(Zn): 10%


Leaf deformation:

New leaves may be deformed or irregularly shaped, often appearing narrow or elongated.

Intervenous chlorosis:

Characterized by yellowing between the veins while the veins themselves remain green, especially noticeable in younger leaves. 

Stunted fruits and seeds:

Zinc deficiency can cause fruit set and stunting, affecting overall crop yield and quality.


In severe cases, leaf tips may die (necrosis), especially in younger leaves.

In conclusion:

Recognizing these symptoms early can help take corrective action, such as applying zinc fertilizer or amendments, to restore plant health. 


For more information, please feel free to contact us:Info@g-teck.net

Post time: Oct-15-2024