What Are The Symptoms Of Molybdenum Deficiency In Plants?

Molybdenum deficiency in plants can cause several different symptoms, which may vary depending on the plant species. Here are some common signs to look for:

Symptoms of molybdenum deficiency:



Yellowing of leaves, especially older leaves, is a common symptom. This happens because molybdenum is essential for the production of chlorophyll.

Growth retardation:

Plants may show a decrease in growth rate and overall vigor. This affects the height and yield of the plant.

Nitrate Accumulation:

Plants that are deficient in nitrates may accumulate nitrates, causing a condition called “nitrate poisoning.” This can cause tip burn and other growth problems.

Leaf deformation:

-Leaves may be deformed or irregularly shaped, especially in younger stages of growth.

Stunt development of flowers and seeds:In flowering plants, molybdenum deficiency can lead to poor flowering and seed setting, affecting reproduction and yield.


In severe cases, leaf tips may die (necrosis), especially older leaves.

In conclusion:

Recognizing these symptoms early can help in taking corrective measures, such as applying molybdenum fertilizers or organic amendments, to restore plant health. Regular soil testing can also help monitor nutrient levels and prevent nutrient deficiencies.


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Post time: Oct-14-2024