Field Test Feedback – Seaweed Extract Fertilizer

Seaweed fertilizer has several positive effects on plant growth. It is rich in a variety of trace elements and plant growth hormones, which can promote the growth and development of plants. The alginic acid and oligosaccharides in seaweed fertilizer can enhance the stress resistance of plants and improve their resistance to pests and diseases.

The organic matter in seaweed fertilizer can improve soil structure, increase soil fertility, and improve plants’ ability to absorb nutrients. In general, seaweed fertilizer can promote plant growth, enhance plant stress resistance and improve the soil environment, and has a positive effect on plant growth.

Based on feedback from G-Teck’s global customers, seaweed extract fertilizer has been found to be very effective in promoting plant growth.  It is worth noting that the time of application significantly affects the results obtained and different effects are observed depending on the time of use.


Post time: Jul-04-2024