Chelated Elements

Secondary elements(middle elements) and trace elements(micro elements),although they are required in lesser quantities than trace elements, they still play an important role in the growth and development of plants. For plant cultivation, reasonable supplementation of these elements is one of the important measures to ensure the normal growth and development of plants. G-Teck Chelatd elements are mainly chelated by Amino acid. amino acid chelation can help improve the absorption and utilization efficiency of trace elements, enhance biological activity and reduce environmental load, thereby promoting the healthy growth and yield of crops.

  • Amino acid Chelate Molybdenum (AminoMo)

    Amino acid Chelate Molybdenum (AminoMo)

    The product is obtained from the hydrolyzed protein. containing free amino acids, total water soluble. it contains plants micro elements Mo as amino acid chelated form.

  • Amino acid Chelate zinc fertilizer (AminoZn)

    Amino acid Chelate zinc fertilizer (AminoZn)

    The product is obtained from the hydrolyzed protein. containing free amino acids, total water soluble. it contains plants micro elements Zn as amino acid chelated form.

  • Amino acid Chelate Calcium (AminoCa)

    Amino acid Chelate Calcium (AminoCa)

    The product is obtained from the hydrolyzed protein. containing free amino acids, total water soluble. it contains plants medium elements Calcium(10%) as amino acid chalet form.
    It is stable, safe, non-toxic, non-stimulant and easily deliquesce.

  • Amino acid Chelate Copper (AminoCu)

    Amino acid Chelate Copper (AminoCu)

    The product is obtained from hydrolyzed protein. containing free amino acids, total water soluble. It contains plants of medium elements copper(10%) as amino acid chelation form.

  • Amino acid Chelate Magnesium (AminoMg)

    Amino acid Chelate Magnesium (AminoMg)

    The product is obtained from hydrolyzed protein. containing free amino acids, total water soluble. It contains plants of medium elements magnesium(10%) as amino acid chelation form.

  • Amino acid Chelate Iron (AminoFe)

    Amino acid Chelate Iron (AminoFe)

    The product is obtained from the hydrolyzed protein. containing free amino acids, total water soluble. it contains plants micronutrients iron(10%) as amino acid chelation form.

  • Amino Acid Chelate Trace Elements (AminoTE)

    Amino Acid Chelate Trace Elements (AminoTE)

    The product is obtained from the hydrolyzed protein. containing free amino acids above 25%, 100% water soluble. it contains plants medium elements / micro elements (including Fe,Cu,B,Zn,Mn and so on) as amino acid chelated form. Meanwhile, trace elements could be modified into other kinds of medium elements ( Ca, Mg, S) , Micro elements( Fe,Cu,B,Zn,Mn, Mo) or other necessary elements(Si, Se, etc.)