Biofulvic Acid
Biofulvic acid is a natural substance formed by the decomposition of organic matter in the soil. The general molecule weight of biofulvic is within 300DA. the molecule structure shows as carbon chain, it has the function of carry secretly with other nutrients. With different concentration of nutrients and minerals and its ability to improve soil fertility and plant growth. It enhances plant uptake of nutrients, stimulates root development, and improves overall plant health. biofulvic acid has been used as a soil conditioner and plant growth promoter in agriculture, horticulture and horticulture.
Plant Source Fulvic Acid Fertility: Potassium Fulvate
This product is a water-soluble powder mainly derived from cornstalks and other plants. This bionutrient contains a balanced mix of nutrients that dissolves, transforms and chelates trace minerals, making them highly accessible to plants, especially through the root system. The product is recommended for long-term use as it provides a stable source of nutrients for plants and soil microbes, while also helping to improve air and water retention in the soil.
Agricultural Biostimulants: BioFulvic Acid
The product is a water-soluble powder mainly extracted from corn stalks and other plants through fermentation technology. It is rich in balanced nutrients, making it a highly effective bionutrient. This bionutrient has a unique ability to dissolve, transform and sequester trace minerals, allowing optimal absorption by plants, especially through the root system. We strongly recommend this product for long-term use as it is a stable and reliable source of nutrition for plants and soil microbes. Plus, it helps enhance the soil’s ability to retain air and moisture for longer periods of time, helping to improve soil health.
Plant Source Fulvic Acid – Fulvicpro
The product is a water-soluble powder derived primarily from corn stalks, utilizing advanced high-pressure concentration technology to achieve a remarkable fulvic acid content of up to 95%. This unique compound acts as an effective carrier, facilitating the direct absorption of other essential nutrients into crops. Long-term application is strongly recommended, as it offers a consistent and dependable supply of nutrients for plants and soil microbes. Furthermore, it enhances soil quality by improving the retention of air and moisture, leading to overall improved agricultural performance.